Make Parenting Easier!

Let's get real. Parenting is ridiculously hard. It is physically, mentally, AND emotionally exhausting! Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could all have a fairy godparent on call to provide us with just a few moments of peace and quiet, and maybe even save our sanity?

Every little bit counts when it comes to parenting, so when we find a company that incorporates innovation with time-saving products specifically designed for busy parents, you know we are going to tell you about it!

If you have yet to hear about Glitter & Spice and how they make parenting easier, listen up! Glitter & Spice is a Canadian company that was created by parents for parents. They have been recognized time and time again for their strong commitment to creating award-winning baby products that help make parenting less stressful and less overwhelming.  Heck, their tagline is literally #makingparentingeasier!

Whether it's that dreaded 3 a.m. "wake-up call" from a teething little one, or the explosive messes that mealtimes can bring, Glitter & Spice has the perfect products designed to help make your life as a parent easier. Aside from functionality, Glitter & Spice products are beautifully designed with safety as a top priority.

We truly never thought something so simple could make our lives that much easier, especially when it comes to some of the most common parenthood struggles like teething, feeding, and sleeping. Do yourself a favor. Stop making parenting harder than it needs to be and add a little Glitter & Spice to your life!

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